It's 2009, now what ?

posted under , , by Jasmine Nicole
HAPPY 2009 !
I stopped making new years resolutions about two years ago , if you ask me why single one day of the year out to dedicate change. There's nothing wrong with resolutions, but lets be honest after the first week of the new year your resolutions are out of the window and you're back to old habits.
I simply avoid all the pressure , by addressing my goals for the new year .
It may not be a difference to some but to me its a whole lot easier .
my new years eve sucked and while I would of preferred clubbing I saved myself a hangover .
with that being said , my goals for the 2009
  • Get a job
  • at least a 3.0 gpa / focus more on school
  • save money
  • copp more sneakers
Those are my goals as of now , who knows by February I may have a whole 'nother mind set .
in the end , i just hope 2009 brings more to the table than '08 .


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