Today Was A Good Day
posted under
Atlanta Weather
got my hair done
streetwear tees
by Jasmine Nicole

Today was a good day minus the weather, but whats new .
I'm ready for it to warm up and stay warm !
Nothing important has happened since the last post, since I haven't posted my link to my personal website on here I try to vent a bit on here to stay true to the 50/50 name.
Idk but lurkers creep me out and I find it interesting
in the number of hits I get a day...but no comments hhmm !
Random, but why did this dude hit me up like "Are you spoiled, cause you look like it?"
the hell? He continued to go on saying that because of the way I dress, I look spoiled.
boy boo !
I've always been called spoiled, but I don't think so .
He also said how he knew I had to be from up north because Atlanta females can't dress, I couldn't disagree with that lol .
Best thing that happened to me today, was that I got my hair done for like half of what I usually pay. It was unexpected, I was on my way to CVS and passed the salon I usually go to and my hairdresser was standing outside. He later convinced me to just let him do it.
It was past due for a perm, so I'm happy as hell. I don't know about other females, but I feel shitty as hell when my hair isn't done.
oh and I found a boutique that has hellz bellz tee's for the low low .
I need to get back on my tee shit, especially since all of my favorite lines have dropped their spring collections. It's just that times are hard now and I just can't bring myself to drop $40 on a t-shirt like I normally would do.
I remember when I first got to Atlanta, and I went to P Valentine (Bobby V's and Big Boi's wife) Boutique and they had Hellz and MOB tee's for like $12-$15 because they were going out of business..I was geeked as hell .
I should be doing homework, instead of blogging.
peace <3
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