Saturday Ramblings
posted under
New Layout
Saturday plans
by Jasmine Nicole

It's 4pm in the afternoon, and I haven't did anything I'm supposed to have done.
New layout, wasn't even planning on changing it today, I actually was trying to convert a live journal layout into wordpress, gave up on that and came across this header/layout on a website and wa-la . I had to go wayy back to the classic blogger to freaking use this shit and, now I understand why they upgraded. Of course with going back to classic, a lot of the things I had showing before aren't going to be up, (i.e follower, chatbox, going to previous post) and so on.
I like it, so I hope you love it.
It's nice outside today, and oddly enough no parties are going on tonight.
So I'm going to get dressed, run a few errands, come back to campus and I guess I'm gonna hit up this house arrest dance show type thingy.
I really need to get more homework done, so if all else fails, thats what I'll be doing.
peace <3
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