Payback With Ya Life
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Payback With Ya Life
Wahida Clark
by Jasmine Nicole

I don't know if folks still even read these days, but I do and I enjoy it.
"Payback With Ya Life" is the sequel to "Payback Is A Mutha".
In this sequel, "old scores are settled and before long, new tensions arise.
Still recovering from the suicide of her best friend, Shan now pregnant by a married man is forced to make major decisions in her life. Ready to leave the fast life behind, Shan believes a move to Detroit will help her become a stronger woman-but someone wants revenge against Shan's brother and is willing to destroy Shan in the process.
Torn over his love for his sister and his desire to get back on top of the drug game, Shan's brother, Peanut knows the danger of the streets. Old beefs become new scores and before long, a turf war is raging. With the stakes as high as they've ever been, only a few people will be left standing-and Shan is determined to be one of them."
I read Pt. 1 mad long ago, which means throughout the book I paused a lot and wondered what the hellz was going on. This book is non stop filled wit drama, from mad people wondering if they caught "that monkey" from Brianna, new relationships and old relationships, money, betrayal, and more. I recommend this book for sure, but not until you read pt. 1.
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