062109; What Happens In Vegas...
posted under
fathers day
personal update
The Hangover
by Jasmine Nicole

So today is fathers day, and really for me no biggie.
I mean my father has been in and out of my life, since I was born.
My mom took him to court about a month or two ago, randomly and he's said to owe $30,000 in child support. DAMMMNN HOMIE!
I could really use that right now, but since he doesn't work I get nothing.
I have no hard feelings toward him, I'm real emotionless when It comes to those things.
I have made it a note to contact him and my grandmother before I head back to Atlanta.
Aside from my father, my step-father has been around since I was about 11 or 12.
He's more of a friend than father figure though, we share a bond over music, clothes and sneakers and that's about it. He lets me know whats what, about males and all that crap. I'm thankful for that.
Enough with all the sappy shit, today was fun to say the least. I finally saw "The Hangover" and it was funnnayy. Although I never been in a theater full of non-laughing ppl in my life. Me and my fam were the only ones laughing, it became awkward. My mom even stayed up through the whole thing, and that says a lot. It made me want to take a trip to Vegas.
I mean my father has been in and out of my life, since I was born.
My mom took him to court about a month or two ago, randomly and he's said to owe $30,000 in child support. DAMMMNN HOMIE!
I could really use that right now, but since he doesn't work I get nothing.
I have no hard feelings toward him, I'm real emotionless when It comes to those things.
I have made it a note to contact him and my grandmother before I head back to Atlanta.
Aside from my father, my step-father has been around since I was about 11 or 12.
He's more of a friend than father figure though, we share a bond over music, clothes and sneakers and that's about it. He lets me know whats what, about males and all that crap. I'm thankful for that.
Enough with all the sappy shit, today was fun to say the least. I finally saw "The Hangover" and it was funnnayy. Although I never been in a theater full of non-laughing ppl in my life. Me and my fam were the only ones laughing, it became awkward. My mom even stayed up through the whole thing, and that says a lot. It made me want to take a trip to Vegas.

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