Stressed x's 2
posted under
Atlanta Weather
Job hunt
stressed out
by Jasmine Nicole

first things first, this weather is crazy .
I had to pull my VS bubble coat back out and blow the dust off .
not really but you get my drift.
Isn't this supposed to be HOTLANTA ?
the hell, it's like 46 degrees right now.
So school is over MAY 8, woot .
Although most of my professors have said that we'll be done by April 29th.
Summer vacation is steady approaching, my stress level is increasing. Time to begin that job hunt, not like I haven't been looking. Where I end up staying for the summer depends on employment right now. If I find a job here, I'll stay in Atlanta...If not then back to Michigan it is.
I was on the phone with my mom today and she added to my stress. I've realized that no matter how much I heart my family I refuse to return to those living conditions. Like how are you going to tell me where I'm going to work and what I'm going to do over summer vacation?
HELLOOOOOOOOOOO , I'm an adult now !
I would rather spend my summer in Atlanta, working and stacking up .
Not following rules, or cleaning up after grown folk'.
So from now til the last week of school I'm basically putting in applications everywhere possible.
wish me luck <3
I had to pull my VS bubble coat back out and blow the dust off .
not really but you get my drift.
Isn't this supposed to be HOTLANTA ?
the hell, it's like 46 degrees right now.
So school is over MAY 8, woot .
Although most of my professors have said that we'll be done by April 29th.
Summer vacation is steady approaching, my stress level is increasing. Time to begin that job hunt, not like I haven't been looking. Where I end up staying for the summer depends on employment right now. If I find a job here, I'll stay in Atlanta...If not then back to Michigan it is.
I was on the phone with my mom today and she added to my stress. I've realized that no matter how much I heart my family I refuse to return to those living conditions. Like how are you going to tell me where I'm going to work and what I'm going to do over summer vacation?
HELLOOOOOOOOOOO , I'm an adult now !
I would rather spend my summer in Atlanta, working and stacking up .
Not following rules, or cleaning up after grown folk'.
So from now til the last week of school I'm basically putting in applications everywhere possible.
wish me luck <3
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