Sooo Yeah ..
posted under
personal update
spring break
by Jasmine Nicole

I've been neglecting this thing, these previous two weeks have just not been agreeing with me .
Spring break is finally over and like
the rest of the AUC I was not able to enjoy Miami :( ...maybe next year
I tried to go home twice and it didn't work out ...not having a government issued I.D is hell .
Not only was I not able to go home, I had to stay in Atlanta and not be able to club or anything.
So yeah my spring break sucked ass!
This month is kind of flying pass, before I know it May will be here which brings mad birthdays( including mine ), finals, and the beginning of my summer vacation.
I'm hoping up until then, things take a turn for the better .
It's warming up in Atlanta , too much/quickly for my taste ...but ehh .
I'm still on the job hunt and trying for at least a 3.0 GPA...nigga's are still being nigga's so that's irrelevant .
peace <3
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