Are you addicted ?

I signed up for facebook a looong time ago, although I didn't actually start using it till I made my transition from high school to college . I always preferred myspace, I still use myspace and update for the most part but nine times out of ten I'm on facebook .
10 warning signs that you may be addicted to Facebook
1. Facebook is your home page.
2. You update your status more than twice a day.
3. You have over 500 "friends" half of whom you've never actually met.
4. As soon as you step away from your computer you're on FB on your phone.
5. You are a FB stalker. You qualify as a FB stalker if you
a) click on someone's profile more than once a day even if they haven't messaged or tagged you in a photo.
b) have dragged and dropped more than 3 FB photos (not from your own profile)
c) actually go to a place mentioned on someone's page in hopes of seeing them in real life...creepy!
6. You change your profile picture more than a 12-year=old girl.
7. You have checked your FB page while reading this article.
8. You clean up your "wall" so it looks like you spend less time on FB.
9. You are a member of more than 10 groups and respond to every event invitation "attending" even if you have no intention of going.
10. You change your relationship status just to mess with people.
are you addicted ?
speaking of social sites, this is so true .
twitter is coming up in the e-world .
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