011409 - Daily
posted under
american idol
by Jasmine Nicole

Today was the first day of classes, and I was absent . I wasn't enrolled and registered until earlier today , so my first day will be tomorrow . I'm sure I didn't miss much, all I know is that its focus timeee . Today is blah , mainly chilling around , and taking care of last minute situations.
A few people have been hitting me up nonstop to chill so I might take them up on the offer .
My roommate isn't back yet , and due to the fact that this dorm room is mad small, it feels good to have it to myself for a few days .

of course like the rest of the world , I watched American Idol last night . I never watch it past the auditions. Last night the worst of the worst came out . What in the world are these people thinking ?
The man with the deep voice, dude with the guitar , bikini girl , and the overly nervous dude ...nothing but comedy .
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